How to keep healthy while working from home

Jack Gerrard
4 min readNov 23, 2020

A nutritious diet and plenty of exercise can undoubtedly promote good health, but what about the daily habits you practice at home?

From your everyday routine to getting the proper amount of sleep, there are several things you can do to promote and enjoy a healthy lifestyle.

It’s said that good habits begin at home, and this is absolutely true whether it relates to your career, your relationships, or your physical health.

So here are some ways you can start practising smarter, healthier habits while at home.

Starting Your Day Right

To start your day on the right foot, you should try to stick to a morning schedule.

- Wake up early. When you get up early, you’ll get a jump start on your day. Waking up early also allows you to have a little extra “me time” before the rest of the family, flatmates or partners wake up.

- Make your bed. The simple act of making your bed can help you feel a sense of accomplishment. Making your bed sets the tone for the day and will give you the motivation to continue with other daily tasks.

- Eat a healthy breakfast. A healthy life starts with a healthy breakfast. Skip the sugary cereals and eat a breakfast packed with proteins or fiber to help you feel full, give you energy, and keep your cholesterol levels low.

- Get natural light. Natural light plays a significant role in regulating the body’s circadian rhythm. If your bedroom doesn’t have windows, use a device that slowly increases the amount of light it emits to mimic the rising sun.

- Morning exercise. Get active and get moving, and you’ll notice higher energy levels and a healthy body. Whether it’s yoga, a brisk walk, or jogging, just be sure you get your body moving before you start your day.

- Take a shower. Don’t put off taking a shower, even if you work from home. A lovely shower will help you feel better, so make sure you take one, get dressed, and avoid staying in your PJ’s all day.

- Start your daily activities. Procrastinating can only make things worse, so get started on your daily tasks as soon as possible. The sooner you finish, the sooner you’ll be able to relax.

- Don’t work where you sleep. If you work from home, it’s never a good idea to work in the same place you sleep. You need to separate your workspace from the rest of your home to achieve a healthy work-life balance.

Planning Your Next Day and a Bedtime Routine

Gearing up for the day ahead is just as important as your new morning habits. Here are some tips to establish a healthy, positive bedtime routine:

- Plan your day in advance. Write a list of the things you need to do the following day to help you stay on track. This can help you avoid forgetting important tasks, and you’ll go to bed with a clear head.

- Write down a to-do list. Make a simple to-do list of the things you need to get done before bedtime. It’s an easy way to ensure that you’re accomplishing everything that’s most important.

- Enjoy some evening showering or pampering time. Relax before you head to bed with a nice bubble bath or a warm shower. Take some time to pamper yourself so you can decompress and feel a sense of calm and relaxation before bed.

- No electronics 30 minutes before bed. Turn off your cell phone, laptop, or TV at least 30 minutes before bedtime. Too much stimulation can cause anxiety, or it may make it more difficult for you to fall asleep.

- Go to bed early. Try to get to bed as early as possible, so you get ample sleep. Practice nightly meditation to help you fall asleep and aim for at least 6–8 hours of sleep per night whenever you can.

Practice Healthy Nutrition Habits

Eating a healthy diet can do wonders for your body and mind. Follow these easy tips to help you stay on track and adopt healthy eating habits at home:

- Learn some new, healthy recipes and try making them at home. Cook your meals for the entire week on one day (Saturday or Sunday tends to be a good choice), and freeze everything so it’s easier to prepare lunch and dinner during the rest of the week.

- Make sure you drink enough water throughout the day. It’s important to stay hydrated to help you stay on task, avoid dehydration headaches, and to help you feel fuller, longer.

- Practice conscious eating. This means creating meal plans in advance and focusing your diet on mostly veggies and fruits rather than processed meals and snacks.

With lockdown 2.0 in full force, it’s now more important than ever to maintain a healthy routine at home.

Following these simple steps are sure to help you stay healthy, happy and keep you productive while you work from home.

